The Biedermeier Tarot eBook gives you a short description of how the card is affected by its position in the spread, that is, how to read Gypsy tarot in four positions. Tarot and Gypsy Cards can only be unveiled in the Sanskrit language. That is, all these cards and ancient Greek mythology were inspired by Sanskrit teachings, and only this ancient sacred language able to clear the confusion. However, since we don't have the luxury to understand this language, as the ancient speakers of this language were wiped out, we can only attempt to understand it, yet there are many mysteries that remain hidden...
Gypsy Tarot is the most popular tool to tell fortune. Each Taro tell a different story, therefore it is important to be sensitive reading and understanding the symbolism hidden within the images. This tarot contains several pictures that were originally seen as illustrations in divination games as well as playing-card, but the whole collection becomes a distinctive tradition with unique images and a format of its own.


Biedermeier download

This time I’ve got it. Thank a lot and thanks for your patience.

Biedermeier download
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Dear sir, madam. This morning I’ve got a mail with the link to the Biedermeier book, I try to download the book clicking on the link but nothing happens, I been trying for hours but every time I click on the link absolutely nothing happens, you have already send me my password but I can do nothing without the pdf file, could you send again the link to download the book or help me in some other way? Thank you.

Downloading Biedermeier
Saturday, January 23, 2021

Thanks a lot for your advise, somehow I’ve got a special feeling with this Tarot cards, I know they are very special and have a lot of wisdom within themselves it was totally unexpected when I got the book, I was expecting something similar to other books, some keywords such as good, mother, earth, kind, affection, but this was completely different in a good way.

Biedermeier Tarot Reading
Tuesday, January 26, 2021